Location: Steigenberger Hotel (am Kanzleramt), Berlin, Germany, 6-7 June 2023
MEETING ROOM: Salon 6 and others (visible for each session)
Info point: TELCO-ONLY GROUP (vendors/guests only attend if invited for a specific session)
Info point: This group Changes meeting rooms based on joint sessions.
ETIS Central Office contact:
– Wim De Meyer, wdm@etis.org / +32 475 84 31 03
– Ayush Pandey, ap@etis.org / +32 467 72 83 18
Logistics support: call 877 from hotel phones available in meeting rooms / 1st floor lounge area.
Tech support for your meeting room: call Ricardo Jenichen from WOW, +
Access the presentation SLIDES (password-protected) via these 2 buttons: